The Role of Marketing (CIE IGCSE Business)

Revision Note

Danielle Maguire


Business Content Creator

Identifying & Satisfying Customer Needs

  • Marketing helps a business identify and satisfy the needs and wants of its customers
    • Identifying customer needs involves finding out about the
      • Variety and quality of goods and services that customers want
      • Prices they are willing to pay
      • Promotional techniques that may persuade them to make repeated purchases
      • Convenience factors, including where and how they want to purchase products
      • After-sales services they anticipate
    • Satisfying these customer needs involves ensuring products are available when and where customers want to buy them, at a suitable price, at the quality expected and with effective customer service

Diagram: The Benefits of Identifying Customer Needs

The ultimate aim of identifying and meeting customer needs is to ensure business survival and success

  • Businesses that successfully identify and satisfy customer needs 
    • Will compete more effectively than rival businesses 
    • Will keep up to date with changing tastes and preferences
    • Will attract positive word-of-mouth recommendations and build the brand

The Benefits of Meeting Customers Needs



Benefits to the Business


  • This is the amount of money a customer is willing to pay for a product or service
  • Customers often have a budget in mind and want to find the best value for their money

  • Understanding this helps the business set competitive prices and offer appealing promotions to their target market


  • Quality refers to the standard of excellence that a customer expects from a product or service
  • Customers want products that are reliable, durable, and meet their expectations

  • They also want good quality after-sales service

  • Understanding this helps businesses create products that meet the desired standards, which can lead to customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth advertising


  • Customers often have a wide range of preferences and want to be able to choose from a variety of products or services

  • Varied features, such as sizes, colours and styles, are required by different customers

  • Understanding this helps businesses offer a range of product options that cater to different customer preferences

  • This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as customers are more likely to purchase a product that meets their specific needs


  • Customers value convenience because they want products that are easy to access and use
  • This includes factors such as location, online ordering, and fast delivery
  • Customers may also want a variety of ways to pay for the products

  • Understanding this helps businesses to create a customer experience that is both efficient and enjoyable
  • By providing a convenient shopping experience, businesses can build customer loyalty and increase repeat sales

Customer Loyalty & Relationships

  • Customer loyalty is when existing customers buy products from the same business over and over again
    • Customer loyalty leads to repeat purchases and a rise in market share
    • It is much cheaper for a business to try to keep existing customers (for example, with loyalty cards) than trying to gain new customers, as this can involve expensive advertising campaigns
  • Building customer relationships involves communicating with customers to encourage them to become loyal to the business and its products
  • Good relationships are maintained by
    • Developing close ties with customers and finding out if products/services are continuing to meet their needs 
      • E.g. Using surveys to discover if preferences are changing
    • Using technology to gather important information about customers
  • By having strong relationships with the customer, the business can respond appropriately when customers 
    change their expectations of what they want from a good or service 

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Danielle Maguire

Author: Danielle Maguire

Danielle is an experienced Business and Economics teacher who has taught GCSE, A-Level, BTEC and IB for 15 years. Danielle's career has taken her from across various parts of the UK including Liverpool and Yorkshire, along with teaching at a renowned international school in Dubai for 3 years. Danielle loves to engage students with real life examples and creative resources which allow students to put topics in a context they understand.

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