The Benefits of Motivated Employees (CIE IGCSE Business)

Revision Note

Danielle Maguire


Business Content Creator

Introduction to Motivation

  • Motivation refers to the inner desire or willingness that drives a person to take action and achieve a specific goal or outcome
    • Motivation can be intrinsic, coming from within a person (values, beliefs etc)
    • Motivation can be extrinsic, coming from external factors (rewards or punishments)

Why People Work

  • People work for many different reasons
    • They need to earn money to fund their lifestyle and ensure they have the necessities required
    • For some, work is voluntary or low-paid and done to give them a purpose
    • Some people work for the opportunity to mix with other people
    • For many, employment allows them to fulfil their aspirations

Diagram: Why people work

People work for a range of reasons, including earning a wage or salary for security, to give them a purpose and for social reasons

Individuals go to work for a variety of reasons, including earning a wage or salary and to give them a purpose

Benefits of a well Motivated Workforce

  • Motivation plays a critical role in business success
    • Motivated employees are more productive and efficient
      • They are likely to be engaged in their work and use their initiative to meet or exceed their goals
      • They will generate higher levels of output and quality
      • Increased productivity results in higher profits for the business

    • Labour turnover rates tend to be lower when a workforce is well motivated
      • Motivated employees are more likely to stay with the company long-termĀ 
      • Lower turnover rates reduce the need for costly recruitment and training

    • The reliability and loyalty of motivated workers are likely to be high
      • Motivated employees take pride in their work, show up on time, meet deadlines and take fewer sick days
      • This leads to increased trust between the business and its employees and encourages a positive organisational culture

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Danielle Maguire

Author: Danielle Maguire

Danielle is an experienced Business and Economics teacher who has taught GCSE, A-Level, BTEC and IB for 15 years. Danielle's career has taken her from across various parts of the UK including Liverpool and Yorkshire, along with teaching at a renowned international school in Dubai for 3 years. Danielle loves to engage students with real life examples and creative resources which allow students to put topics in a context they understand.

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