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Degradability of Polymers (CIE A Level Chemistry)

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Poly(alkenes) & Biodegradability

  • Many of the polymers in use have been produced through addition polymerisation of alkenes
  • The (poly)alkene chains are non-polar and saturated
    • This makes them chemically inert and, therefore, non-biodegradable
  • (Poly)alkenes can be melted and recycled for new uses
    • However, even in the new applications, the (poly)alkenes are not biodegradable
  • Recycling plants can burn used plastic materials
    • The energy released from burning can be used to generate electricity
    • Burning plastics in oxygen releases carbon dioxide and water (complete combustion) which can contribute to global warming

Photodegradation of Polymers

  • Polyesters and polyamides are biodegradable polymers for a number of reasons
    • One such reason is their ability to breakdown with the use of light
  • Carbonyl groups (C=O) along polymer chains are able to absorb energy from the Electromagnetic Spectrum, in particular ultraviolet (UV) light
    • Absorbing UV light weakens the carbonyl areas of polymers and breaks them down into smaller molecules

Disadvantages of photodegradability

  • Despite this ability being a great advantage of polyesters and polyamides, it may pose problems when the polymers are repurposed
  • When applied to a new use, the biodegradability could give a weaker polymer
  • Breaking down polymers also poses another challenge
    • Once used, polymeric materials are taken to landfill sites where many other materials are piled on top of each other
    • This could mean that photodegradable polyesters or polyamides do not have access to UV light in order to break down naturally

Biodegrading Polyesters & Polyamides

Biodegradable polymers

  • Both polyesters and polyamides can be broken down using hydrolysis reactions
  • This is a major advantage over the polymers produced using alkene monomers (polyalkenes)
  • When polyesters and polyamides are taken to landfill sites, they can be broken down easily and their products used for other applications

Hydrolysis of polyamides

  • Hydrolysis is the breakdown of molecules using water
  • In acidic hydrolysis, an acid (such as hydrochloric acid) acts as the catalyst
    • Polyamides such as Kevlar are heated with dilute acid
    • This reaction breaks the polyamide into a dicarboxylic acid and ammonium ions
  • Alkaline hydrolysis
    • The polyamide is heated with a species containing hydroxide ions (eg. sodium hydroxide)
    • This breaks the polymer into the sodium salts of its monomers (dicarboxylic acid salt and diamines)

Hydrolysis of Kevlar, a polyamide


Hydrolysis of Kevlar produces different products based on whether it is acid hydrolysis or base hydrolysis

Hydrolysis of polyesters

  • Ester linkages can also be degraded through hydrolysis reactions
    • The acidic and alkaline hydrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is shown

Hydrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a polyester


Hydrolysis of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) produces different products based on whether it is acid hydrolysis or base hydrolysis

  • Acid hydrolysis forms the diol and dicarboxylic acid that were used to form the polyesters
  • Alkaline hydrolysis forms the diol and dicarboxylic acid salt  

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Author: Caroline

Caroline graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in Chemistry and Molecular Physics. She spent several years working as an Industrial Chemist in the automotive industry before retraining to teach. Caroline has over 12 years of experience teaching GCSE and A-level chemistry and physics. She is passionate about creating high-quality resources to help students achieve their full potential.

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