Computer Modelling (CIE IGCSE ICT)

Revision Note

Becci Peters


Computer Science

Computer Modelling

Computer modelling is the use of computer programs and algorithms to simulate and analyse complex systems or processes. The accuracy and reliability of computer models depend on the quality of input data and algorithms used.

  • Personal finance: Budgeting, investment planning, and financial forecasting
    • Helps individuals and families manage their finances effectively
  • Bridge and building design: Structural analysis and simulations to test designs
    • Ensures the safety and stability of structures before construction
  • Flood water management: Predicting and analysing flood risks and mitigation strategies
    • Supports planning and decision-making for disaster management
  • Traffic management: Analysing traffic patterns and optimising transportation systems
    • Aids in reducing congestion and improving traffic flow
  • Weather forecasting: Using complex algorithms and historical data to predict weather conditions
    • Helps people plan and prepare for upcoming weather events



Faster calculations and processing

Dependence on accurate input data and assumptions

Reduced human error and bias

Limited by the quality and complexity of the algorithms used

Ability to simulate multiple scenarios and test different variables

May overlook unique or unpredictable situations not covered by the model

Better visualisation of complex data and systems

Can be expensive and time-consuming to develop, maintain, and update models

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Becci Peters

Author: Becci Peters

Becci has been a passionate Computing teacher for over 9 years, teaching Computing across the UK helping to engage, interest and develop confidence in the subject at all levels. Working as a Head of Department and then as an educational consultant, Becci has advised schools in England, where her role was to support and coach teachers to improve Computing teaching for all. Becci is also a senior examiner for multiple exam boards covering GCSE & A-level. She has worked as a lecturer at a university, lecturing trainee teachers for Computing.

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