Basic Trigonometry (Edexcel IGCSE Further Maths)

Revision Note






Right-Angled Trigonometry

What is right-angled trigonometry?

  • Right-angled trigonometry is the study of right-angled triangles
    • In particular the relationships between their side lengths and angles
  • Right-angled trigonometry includes two main components
    • The Pythagorean theorem
  • You should already be familiar with right-angled trigonometry from your regular IGCSE Mathematics course

What is the Pythagorean theorem?

  • The Pythagorean theorem (or Pythagoras’ theorem ) connects the side lengths in a right-angled triangle
    • It only works for right-angled triangles!
  • It says that for any right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides
    • The hypotenuse is always the longest side in a right-angled triangle
      • It will always be opposite the right angle
  • If we label the hypotenuse c, and label the other two sides a and b, then
    • c squared equals a squared plus b squared
      • This is not on the exam formula sheet, so you need to remember it
  • This lets us find one side length if we know the other two side lengths
    • To find the hypotenuse
      • c equals square root of a squared plus b squared end root
    • To find one of the other two sides
      • a equals square root of c squared minus b squared end root  or  b equals square root of c squared minus a squared end root
  • Pythagoras' theorem can also be used to prove that a triangle is (or isn't) right-angled
    • If  c squared equals a squared plus b squared  is true for three side lengths a, b and c
      • then the triangle is right-angled
    • If  c squared equals a squared plus b squared  is not true for three side lengths a, b and c
      • then the triangle is not right-angled


  • SOHCAHTOA is a way to help remember the sine, cosine and tangent formulae for right-angled triangles
    • These formulae only work for right-angled triangles!
  • To use the formulae you must first label the sides of a right-angled triangle in relation to a chosen angle
    • The hypotenuse, H, is the longest side in a right-angled triangle
      • It will always be opposite the right angle
    • If we label one of the other angles θ,
      • the side opposite θ will be labelled opposite, O
      • and the side next to θ will be labelled adjacent, A
  • The SOHCAHTOA formulae are
    • Sin space theta blank equals space opposite over hypotenuse space equals space O over H  ('SOH')
    • Cos space theta blank equals space adjacent over hypotenuse space equals space straight A over straight H  ('CAH')
    • Tan space theta blank equals space opposite over adjacent space equals space straight O over straight A  ('TOA')
      • These are not on the exam formula sheet, you need to remember them
  • You can use SOHCAHTOA to find
    • an angle, if you know two side lengths
    • a side length, if you know an angle and another side length
  • Start by choosing the correct formula
    • It needs to include two things you know as well as the thing you want to know
  • Then substitute the values you know into the formula
    • and solve for the missing value
      • If finding an angle, you'll need to use sin to the power of negative 1 end exponentcos to the power of negative 1 end exponent or tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent on your calculator
      • Or use your knowledge of exact trig values where possible

Opposite ,Hypotenuse, and Adjacent for Soh Cah Toa

Exam Tip

  • Make sure you know the formulae for the Pythagorean theorem and SOHCAHTOA
    • They are not given to you on the exam formula sheet
  • An exam question probably won't tell you to use the Pythagorean theorem or SOHCAHTOA
    • But think about them whenever you see a right-angled triangle in an exam!

Worked example

A chocolate bar is in the shape of a triangular prism A B C D E F.  The end of the chocolate bar is an isosceles triangle, where A C equals 3 space cm and A B equals B C equals 5 space cm.  Point M is the midpoint of A C. This information is shown in the diagram below.


Calculate the length of BM, giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.


Worked example

Find the values of x and y in the following diagram. Give your answers correct to 3 significant figures.



3D Problems

How does Pythagoras work in 3D?

  • 3D shapes can often be broken down into several 2D shapes
  • With Pythagoras’ Theorem you will be specifically looking for right-angled triangles
    • You need right-angled triangles with two known sides and one unknown side
    • Look for perpendicular lines to help you spot right-angled triangles
  • There is a 3D version of the Pythagorean theorem formula:
    • l squared space equals space x squared space plus space y squared space plus space z squared
      • l is the length of the line segment
      • x is the 'x-direction distance' between the endpoints of the line segment
      • y is the 'y-direction distance'
      • z is the 'z-direction distance' 
    • However it is usually easier to break a 3D problem down into two or more 2D problems

How does SOHCAHTOA work in 3D?

  • Again look for right-angled triangles including a missing angle or side
    • It may take more than one right-angles triangle to get to the answer
  • The angle you are working with can be awkward in 3D
    • The angle between a line and a plane is not always obvious
    • If unsure choose a point on the line and draw a new line to the plane
      • This should create a right-angled triangle

Trigonometry in 3d - within a cuboid

Exam Tip

  • Add values you have calculated to diagrams given in the question
  • Make additional sketches of parts of any diagrams that are given to you
    • Especially to help you 'see' a 2D portion of a 3D problem
  • If you are not given a diagram, sketch a nice, big, clear one!

Worked example

A pencil is being put into a box in the shape of a cuboid with dimensions 3 cm by 4 cm by 6 cm.


the length of the longest pencil that could fit inside the box,



the angle that the pencil would make with the top of the box.


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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.

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