Radian Measure (Edexcel IGCSE Further Maths)

Revision Note






Radian Measure

What are radians?

  • Radians are an alternative to degrees for measuring angles
  • 1 radian is defined as the angle in a circle sector of radius 1 and arc length 1
  • Radians are often given in terms of pi
    • 2 pi radians = 360°
    • pi radians = 180°
  • The symbol for radians is c but it is more usual to see rad
    • When pi is involved, no symbol for radians is needed
      • With pi it is obvious it is in radians
    • You should never omit the symbol for degrees
  • In the exam a question will usually tell you which angle measure to use
    • But radians must be used if calculus with the trigonometric functions is involved

1 radian shown on a unit circle

How do I convert between radians and degrees?

  • Use pi radians = 180° to convert between radians and degrees
    • To convert from radians to degrees multiply by begin mathsize 16px style 180 over pi end style
    • To convert from degrees to radians multiply by pi over 180
  • Some of the common equivalents are:
    • 2 pi space rad space equals space 360 degree
    • pi space rad space equals space 180 degree
    • pi over 2 space rad space equals space 90 degree
    • pi over 3 space rad space equals space 60 degree
    • pi over 4 space rad space equals space 45 degree
    • begin mathsize 16px style pi over 6 space rad space equals space 30 degree end style
  • It is useful to remember these and use them to work out other conversions
  • Your calculator will be able to work with both radians and degrees

using multiples or fractions of pi when converting between radians and degrees

Exam Tip

  • If the question specifies a unit of angle measure (radians or degrees) be sure to use it!
  • Make sure that your calculator is in the correct mode for the angle measure you are working with

Worked example

Convert 43.8° to radians, giving your answer correct to 3 significant figures.

Multiply by  pi over 180
43.8 cross times pi over 180 equals fraction numerator 73 pi over denominator 300 end fraction equals 0.764454...

Note that fraction numerator 73 pi over denominator 300 end fraction is the exact value answer

0.764 rad (3 s.f.)

Convert fraction numerator 5 pi over denominator 4 end fraction radians to degrees.

If you remember that pi over 4 radians is 45°, then you just need to multiply that by 5 to get the answer.
Otherwise, multiply by  180 over pi

fraction numerator 5 pi over denominator 4 end fraction cross times 180 over pi equals 5 over 4 cross times 180 equals 5 cross times 45 equals 225

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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.

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