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pH Scale (CIE AS Chemistry)

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The pH Scale

  • The pH scale is a numerical scale that shows how acidic or alkaline a solution is
  • The values on the pH scale go from 1-14 (extremely acidic substances have values of below 1)
    • All acids have pH values below 7
    • All alkalis have pH values above 7
  • The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution is
  • The higher the pH, the more alkaline the solution is

The pH scale

The pH scale, IGCSE & GCSE Chemistry revision notes

The pH scale shows the acidity, neutrality and alkalinity of chemicals

pH of water

  • An equilibrium exists in water where few water molecules dissociate into proton and hydroxide ions:

H2O (l) ⇌ H+ (aq) + OH(aq)

  • The equilibrium constant expression for this reaction is:

Kcfraction numerator stretchy left square bracket H to the power of plus stretchy right square bracket bold space stretchy left square bracket OH to the power of minus stretchy right square bracket over denominator stretchy left square bracket H subscript 2 O stretchy right square bracket end fraction

  • The equilibrium constant expression can be rearranged to:

Kc x [H2O] = [H+] [OH]

  • Since the concentration of the H+ and OH- ions is very small, the concentration of water is considered to be a constant
    • So, the expression can be rewritten as:

Kw = [H+] [OH]

  • Where Kw (ionic product of water) = Kc x [H2O] = 10-14 mol2 dm-3 at 298K
  • Water at 298K has equal amounts of OH- and H+ ions with concentrations of 10-7 mol dm-3
  • To calculate the pH of water, the following formula should be used:

pH = –log [H+ (aq)]

  • Where [H+ (aq)] is the concentration of H+ / H3O+ ions
  • So, the calculation is:
    • pH = -log (10-7) = 7
  • Thus, water has a pH of 7

pH of acids

  • Acidic solutions (strong or weak) always have more H+ than OH- ions
  • Since the concentration of H+ is always greater than the concentration of OH- ions, [H+] is always greater than 10-7 mol dm-3
  • Using the pH formula, this means that the pH of acidic solutions is always below 7
  • The higher the [H+] of the acid, the lower the pH

pH of bases

  • Basic solutions (strong or weak) always have more OH- than H+ ions
  • Since the concentration of OH- is always greater than the concentration of H+ ions, [H+] is always smaller than 10-7 mol dm-3
  • Using the pH formula, this means that the pH of basic solutions is always above 7
  • The higher the [OH-] of the base, the higher the pH

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Author: Caroline

Caroline graduated from the University of Nottingham with a degree in Chemistry and Molecular Physics. She spent several years working as an Industrial Chemist in the automotive industry before retraining to teach. Caroline has over 12 years of experience teaching GCSE and A-level chemistry and physics. She is passionate about creating high-quality resources to help students achieve their full potential.

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