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Substitution Reactions of Halogenoalkanes (CIE AS Chemistry)

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Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions of Halogenoalkanes

  • Halogenoalkanes are much more reactive than alkanes due to the presence of the electronegative halogens
    • The halogen-carbon bond is polar causing the carbon to carry a partial positive and the halogen a partial negative charge

  • A nucleophilic substitution reaction is one in which a nucleophile attacks a carbon atom which carries a partial positive charge
  • An atom that has a partial negative charge is replaced by the nucleophile

 Explaining the polarity of a carbon-halogen bond

Halogen Compounds Polarity of the C-X bond, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

Due to large differences in electronegativity between the carbon and halogen atom, the C-X bond is polar

Reaction with NaOH

  • The reaction of a halogenoalkane with aqueous alkali results in the formation of an alcohol
  • The halogen is replaced by the OH-
  • The aqueous hydroxide (OH- ion) behaves as a nucleophile by donating a pair of electrons to the carbon atom bonded to the halogen
  • For example, bromoethane reacts with aqueous alkali when heated to form ethanol
    • Hence, this reaction is a nucleophilic substitution
    • The halogen is replaced by a nucleophile, :OH 

CH3CH2Br + :OH → CH3CH2OH + :Br

Reaction with KCN

  • The nucleophile in this reaction is the cyanide, CN- ion
  • Ethanolic solution of potassium cyanide (KCN in ethanol) is heated under reflux with the halogenoalkane
  • The product is a nitrile
    • For example, bromoethane reacts with ethanolic potassium cyanide when heated under reflux to form propanenitrile
    • The halogen is replaced by a nucleophile, :CN 

CH3CH2Br + :CN → CH3CH2CN + :Br


  • The nucleophilic substitution of halogenoalkanes with KCN adds an extra carbon atom to the carbon chain
  • This reaction can therefore be used by chemists to make a compound with one more carbon atom than the best available organic starting material

Reaction with NH3

  • The nucleophile in this reaction is the ammonia, NH3 molecule
  • An ethanolic solution of excess ammonia (NH3 in ethanol) is heated under pressure with the halogenoalkane
  • For example, bromoethane reacts with excess ethanolic ammonia when heated under pressure to form ethylamine
    • The product is a primary amine
    • The halogen is replaced by an amine group NH2

CH3CH2Br + NH3 → CH3CH2NH2 + HBr 

  • It is very important that the ammonia is in excess as the product of the nucleophilic substitution reaction, the ethylamine, can act as a nucleophile and attack another bromoethane to form the secondary amine, diethylamine

Reaction with aqueous silver nitrate

  • Halogenoalkanes can be broken down under reflux by water to form alcohols
  • The breakdown of a substance by water is also called hydrolysis

  • For example, bromoethane reacts with aqueous silver nitrate solution to form ethanol
  • This reaction is classified as a nucleophilic substitution reaction with water molecules in aqueous silver nitrate solution acting as nucleophiles, replacing the halogen in the halogenoalkane

C2H5Br + H2O bold rightwards arrow with bold reflux on top C2H5OH + HBr

Nucleophilic substitution with OH


In nucleophilic substitution with OH, the bond that forms and the bond that breaks must both involve the carbon atom that is bonded to the leaving group

  • This reaction is similar to the nucleophilic substitution reaction of halogenoalkanes with aqueous alkali, however, hydrolysis with water is much slower than with the OH- ion in alkalis
    • The hydroxide ion is a better nucleophile than water as it carries a full formal negative charge
    • In water, the oxygen atom only carries a partial negative charge

Comparing water and the hydroxide ion as nucleophiles

 Halogen Compounds Nucleophilicity, downloadable AS & A Level Chemistry revision notes

A hydroxide ion is a better nucleophile as it has a full formal negative charge whereas the oxygen atom in water only carries a partial negative charge; this causes the nucleophilic substitution reaction with water to be much slower than with aqueous alkali


  • The halogenoalkanes have different rates of hydrolysis, so this reaction can be used as a test to identify halogens in a halogenoalkane by measuring how long it takes for the test tubes containing the halogenoalkane and aqueous silver nitrate solutions to become opaque

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Author: Philippa

Philippa has worked as a GCSE and A level chemistry teacher and tutor for over thirteen years. She studied chemistry and sport science at Loughborough University graduating in 2007 having also completed her PGCE in science. Throughout her time as a teacher she was incharge of a boarding house for five years and coached many teams in a variety of sports. When not producing resources with the chemistry team, Philippa enjoys being active outside with her young family and is a very keen gardener.

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