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Electric Potential Gradient (CIE A Level Physics)

Revision Note

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Ann H


Ann H



Electric Potential Due to a Point Charge

  • An electric field can be defined in terms of the variation of electric potential at different points in the field:

The electric field at a particular point is equal to the negative gradient of a potential-distance graph at that point

Equipotential Lines in Different Electric Fields

Equipotential lines _2

Equipotential lines around a radial field or uniform field are perpendicular to the electric field lines

  • Equipotential lines are lines of equal electric potential
    • The electric potential in an electric field is always drawn perpendicular to the field lines
    • In a radial field, the equipotential lines are represented by concentric circles around the charge 
    • The equipotential lines become farther away from each other with increasing radius
    • In a uniform electric field, the equipotential lines are equally spaced


Graph of Electric Potential, Against Distance, r

potential gradient graph, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

The electric potential around a positive charge decreases with distance and increases with distance around a negative charge

  • The electric potential changes according to the charge creating the potential as the distance r increases from the centre:
    • If the charge is positive, the potential decreases with distance, r
    • If the charge is negative, the potential increases with distance, r
  • This is because the test charge is positive

Electric Potential Gradient

  • The potential gradient in an electric field is defined as:

The rate of change of electric potential with respect to displacement in the direction of the field

  • The potential gradient is defined by the equipotential lines
  • The electric field strength is equivalent to a negative electric potential gradient and is given by the equation: 

E space equals space minus fraction numerator increment V over denominator increment r end fraction

  • Where:
    • E = electric field strength (V m-1)
    • ΔV = change in potential (V)
    • Δr = displacement in the direction of the field (m)

  • Hence, fraction numerator increment V over denominator increment r end fraction = electric potential gradient, i.e. the change in potential with distance
  • The negative sign exists because the potential gradient acts in the opposite direction to the lines of force in the electric field
    • The potential gradient is higher further away from the point charge
    • The field strength is higher closer to the point charge

Exam Tip

One way to remember whether the electric potential increases or decreases with respect to the distance from the charge is by the direction of the electric field lines. The potential always decreases in the same direction as the field lines and vice versa.

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Ann H

Author: Ann H

Ann obtained her Maths and Physics degree from the University of Bath before completing her PGCE in Science and Maths teaching. She spent ten years teaching Maths and Physics to wonderful students from all around the world whilst living in China, Ethiopia and Nepal. Now based in beautiful Devon she is thrilled to be creating awesome Physics resources to make Physics more accessible and understandable for all students no matter their schooling or background.

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