Homeostasis: Temperature Control (Cambridge O Level Biology)

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The Skin & Homeostasis

  • Control of body temperature is a homeostatic mechanism
  • Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment
  • This means that internal conditions within your body (such as temperature, blood pressure, water concentration, glucose concentration etc) need to be kept within set limits in order to ensure that reactions in body cells can function and therefore the organism as a whole can live
  • The human body maintains the temperature at which enzymes work best, around 37°C
  • If body temperature increases over this temperature, enzymes will denature and become less effective at catalysing reactions such as respiration
  • The brain is responsible for regulating body temperature through responses in specialist structures within the skin
  • Fatty tissue under the dermis acts as a layer of insulation to prevent too much body heat being lost through the skin

The Structure of the Skin

A cross-section of human skin, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notes

A cross-section of human skin

Maintaining a Constant Internal Temperature

Temperature Regulation & the Hypothalamus

  • Regulation is controlled by the hypothalamus of the brain which contains receptors sensitive to the temperature of the blood 
  • The skin also has temperature receptors and sends nervous impulses to the brain via sensory neurones
  • The brain responds to this information by sending nerve impulses to effectors in the skin to maintain the temperature within a narrow range of the optimum, 37°C
  • Fatty tissue under the dermis acts as a layer of insulation to prevent too much body heat being lost through the skin

Negative feedback loop for thermoregulation

Regulating body temperature, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notesHomeostatic responses to changes in body temperature

Responses to changes in temperature

When we are hot When we are cold

Sweat is secreted by sweat glands, this cools the skin by evaporation.

Heat energy from the body is lost when liquid water in sweat becomes water vapour (a state change)

Skeletal muscles contract rapidly and we shiver. These involuntary muscle contractions need energy from respiration and some of this is released as heat

Hairs lie flat against the skin allowing air to freely circulate, this increases heat transfer to the environment by radiation.

Erect hairs trap a layer of air around the skin which acts as an insulator, preventing heat loss by radiation.

Vasodilation occurs

Vasoconstriction occurs

Vasoconstriction & Vasodilation

  • When we are cold blood flow in capillaries slows down because arterioles leading to the skin capillaries get narrower - this is known as vasoconstriction
  • This reduces the amount of heat lost from blood by radiation as less blood flows through the surface of the skin
  • When we are hot blood flow in capillaries increases because blood vessels to the skin capillaries get wider - this is known as vasodilation
  • This cools the body as blood (which carries heat around the body) is flowing at a faster rate through the skin’s surface and so more heat is lost by radiation

Vasodilation diagram

Responses in the skin when hot, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notesResponses in the skin when hot

Vasoconstriction diagram

Responses in skin when cold, IGCSE & GCSE Biology revision notesResponses in the skin when cold

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Author: Ruth

Ruth graduated from Sheffield University with a degree in Biology and went on to teach Science in London whilst also completing an MA in innovation in Education. She gained 10 years of teaching experience across the 3 key science disciplines and physical education. Ruth decided to set up a tutoring business to support students in her local area. Ruth has worked with several exam boards and loves to use her experience to produce educational materials which make the mark schemes accessible to all students.

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