Adding Vectors (Edexcel International AS Physics)

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Lindsay Gilmour



Adding Vectors

  • Vectors can be combined by adding or subtracting them to produce the resultant vector
    • The resultant vector is sometimes known as the ‘net’ vector (eg. the net force)

  • There are two methods that can be used to add vectors
    • Calculation – if the vectors are perpendicular
    • Scale drawing – if the vectors are not perpendicular

Combining Vectors Using a Scale Diagram

  • There are two methods that can be used to combine vectors using a scale diagram: the triangle method and the parallelogram method
  • To combine vectors using the triangle method:
    • Step 1: link the vectors head-to-tail
    • Step 2: the resultant vector is formed by connecting the tail of the first vector to the head of the second vector

  • To combine vectors using the parallelogram method:
    • Step 1: link the vectors tail-to-tail
    • Step 2: complete the resulting parallelogram
    • Step 3: the resultant vector is the diagonal of the parallelogram

Worked example

Draw the vector c = a + b

Vector Addition, downloadable IB Physics revision notes

Worked example

Draw the vector c = a – b

Vector Subtraction 1, downloadable IB Physics revision notesVector Subtraction 2, downloadable IB Physics revision notes

Combining Vectors by Calculating

  • Combining vectors by calculation is a two-step process
    • Finding the direction of the resultant using trigonometry
    • Finding the magnitude of the resultant using Pythagoras

Magnitude of Vectors, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

The magnitude of the resultant vector is found by using Pythagoras’ Theorem

  • The direction of the resultant vector is found from the angle it makes with the horizontal or vertical
    • The question should imply which angle it is referring to (ie. Calculate the angle from the x-axis)

  • Calculating the angle of this resultant vector from the horizontal or vertical can be done using trigonometry
    • Either the sine, cosine or tangent formula can be used depending on which vector magnitudes are calculated

Direction of Vectors, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

The direction of vectors is found by using trigonometry

Worked example

A swimmer is crossing a river by swimming due north at 2 m s−1. The current flows east at 5 m s−1.

Determine the resultant velocity of the swimmer's motion.

Step 1: Sketch a diagram, including all known values

Step 2: Calculate the magnitude of the resultant using Pythagoras

R equals square root of V subscript s squared plus V subscript c squared end root equals square root of 4 plus 25 end root space= 5.4 

Step 3: Calculate the angle using trigonometry

table attributes columnalign left end attributes row cell t a n theta equals 2 over 5 equals 0.4 end cell row cell theta equals tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent left parenthesis 0.4 right parenthesis end cell end table

θ = 21.8

Step 4: Write the answer in full giving both magnitude and direction of the velocity and all units

The swimmer's velocity is 5.4 ms-1 at 22o to the horizontal direction

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Lindsay Gilmour

Author: Lindsay Gilmour

Lindsay graduated with First Class Honours from the University of Greenwich and earned her Science Communication MSc at Imperial College London. Now with many years’ experience as a Head of Physics and Examiner for A Level and IGCSE Physics (and Biology!), her love of communicating, educating and Physics has brought her to Save My Exams where she hopes to help as many students as possible on their next steps.

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