Circuit Symbols (WJEC GCSE Physics)

Revision Note






Circuit Symbols

  • All students in the WJEC GCSE examination will be expected to recognise the following standard symbols and be able to construct circuits using them:

Collection of Common Circuit Symbols

Included in the diagram are the most common circuit symbols needed for the exam

  • The function of the most common components are:
    • Cell / battery: Provides the circuit with a source of voltage. A battery is two or more cells
    • Switch: Turn the circuit on (closed), or off (open)
    • Fixed resistor: A resistor limits the flow of current. A fixed resistor has a resistance that cannot be changed
    • Variable resistor: A resistor with a slider that can be used to change its resistance. These are often used in dimmer switches and volume controls
    • Thermistor: The resistance of a thermistor depends on its temperature. As temperature increases, the resistance of the thermistor decreases and vice versa
    • Light-dependent resistor (LDR): The resistance of an LDR depends on the light intensity. As the light intensity increases, the resistance of the LDR decreases and vice versa
    • Diode: A diode allows current to flow in one direction only (towards the point of the triangle). They are used to convert alternating to direct current
    • Light-emitting diode (LED): This is equivalent to a diode that emits light when a current passes through it. LEDs are used for lighting and displays (TVs, road signs, household bulbs)
    • Ammeter: Used to measure the current in a circuit. Connected in series with other components
    • Voltmeter: Use to measure the voltage of an electrical component. Connected in parallel with the relevant component

  • Each of these components have an electrical resistance that may impact the current in the circuit
    • However, the resistance of the ammeter and voltmeter are taken as negligible in exam questions

Drawing & Interpreting Circuit Diagrams

  • Being able to draw and interpret circuit diagrams using circuit symbols is an essential skill in the electricity topic
  • Electric circuit diagrams require the following to work effectively:
    • An energy source – This is a source of voltage so that a current can flow. This can be a cell, battery, or a power supply
    • closed path or a complete circuit – Electrons need to flow in a complete loop for a current to flow. A circuit can be open and closed using a switch
    • Electrical components – These could act as sensors that respond to the environment (LDR, thermistor), or measure a value (ammeter, voltmeter), or transfer energy (LED, lamp). These must be drawn with the correct circuit symbol

  • The key rules to remember are:
    • An ammeter is always connected in series
    • A voltmeter is always connected in parallel to the component the voltage is being measured
    • The direction of conventional current is always from the positive to the negative terminal of the power supply

Worked example

Which circuit diagram correctly represents a circuit with current flowing through?WE - Circuit diagrams question image, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes



WE - Circuit diagrams answer image, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • For a circuit to be connected, the switch must be closed
    • This discounts circuits A and C

  • The other circuit symbol is a diode
    • Diodes only allow current to flow in one direction (towards the point of the triangle)

  • Since conventional current flows from positive to negative, a forward-biased diode must point in this direction in order for the current to flow
    • This is seen in circuit B

Exam Tip

When asked to draw a circuit diagram, make sure to draw the wires as straight lines with a straight edge or a ruler and make it as neat as possible, especially the circuit symbols.

If the diagram is too small or there is ambiguity as to what a symbol represents, the examiner may not award you full marks!

Make sure the lines of your wires meet. There should be no gaps or it is not a complete circuit!

Think of the triangle diode symbol as an arrow pointing in the direction that the current can flow.

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Author: Leander

Leander graduated with First-class honours in Science and Education from Sheffield Hallam University. She won the prestigious Lord Robert Winston Solomon Lipson Prize in recognition of her dedication to science and teaching excellence. After teaching and tutoring both science and maths students, Leander now brings this passion for helping young people reach their potential to her work at SME.

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