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Principle of Conservation of Energy (SL IB Physics)

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Principle of Conservation of Energy

  • The Principle of conservation of energy states that:

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another

  • This means the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant, although how much of each form there is may change

Types of EnergyEnergy types table, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes


Energy types can be separated into transfers or stores

  • The differences between energy stores and energy transfers can be confusing, so it is important to learn their differences and the different types of energy involved in each

Energy Stores

  • Energy stores keep or store energy within one part of a system
  • Kinetic energy store: the amount of energy in a kinetic energy store depends on the speed of the object
    • A car with a high kinetic energy store within the engine can drive more quickly than a car with a smaller kinetic energy store
      • A racing car has a higher kinetic energy store than a tractor
  • Gravitational potential energy store: the amount of energy stored in an object depending on its height
    • The higher an object, the more gravitational potential energy it has
      • When a diver stands on a board 5 m high he has more gravitational potential energy than when standing on a board 3 m high
  • Magnetic energy store: magnets store magnetic energy until a magnetic material is present in its field
    • A piece of iron will move when it enters a magnetic field
    • The magnetic energy store is transferred to the kinetic energy of the iron
  • Chemical energy store: energy is stored as chemical energy and a chemical reaction takes place to release and transfer it
    • Chemical energy is stored in our body for use when we think and move
    • Chemical energy is stored in a battery to be transferred to electrical energy
  • Thermal energy store: all objects store thermal energy
    • An object that is hotter stores more thermal energy than an object that is colder
  • Nuclear energy store: in a nuclear reactor, energy is stored as uranium-235 until it is bombarded by neutrons and a considerable amount of thermal energy is released

Energy Transfers

  • Energy transfers: give or transfer energy to different parts of a system
  • They act as a pathway around an energy system
  • Electrical transfer: when charge flows to produce an electric current
    • The current transfers the energy
  • Mechanical transfer: this occurs when a force is applied to move an object
    • This could be pushing a book across a desk
    • It could also be sound waves passing through a material causing the particles to move
  • Heating transfer: The internal energy of an object is determined by the temperature of the object
    • Energy is transferred from hotter to cooler areas
  • Waves transfer: When sound travels through a material it causes the particles to vibrate
    • Energy is transferred from an object that is moving/vibrating to generate sound waves through other objects by the movement of particles
    • Light energy is transferred from the sun so we can see

Energy Dissipation

  • When energy is transferred from one form to another, not all the energy will end up in the desired form (or place)
  • Dissipation is used to describe ways in which energy is wasted
  • Any energy not transferred to useful energy stores is wasted because it is lost to the surroundings
  • These are commonly in the form of thermal (heat), light, or sound energy
  • What counts as wasted energy depends on the system
  • For example, in a television:

electrical energy ➝ light energy + sound energy + thermal energy

  • Light and sound energy are useful energy transfers whereas thermal energy (from the heating up of wires) is wasted

Useful and wasted energy conversions for a television

  • The energy changes in an electrical heater:

    electrical energy ➝ thermal energy + sound energy + light energy

  • In a gas cooker, the energy transfers are similar but the initial source of energy is different:

chemical energy ➝ thermal energy + sound energy + light energy

  • In both these cases, thermal energy is useful, whereas sound and light are not

Useful and wasted energy conversions in an electric heater and gas cooker

Applications of Energy Conservation

  • In mechanical systems when energy is transferred between stores it is equivalent to the work done:
    • A falling object (in a vacuum, where no energy is not dissipated into the surroundings): gravitational potential energy ➝ kinetic energy
    • Horizontal mass on a spring: elastic potential energy ➝ kinetic energy
  • We can also say energy is transferred between stores and transfers: 
    • A battery connected to a bulb: chemical energy ➝ electrical energy ➝ light energy (if connected to a bulb)
    • A car: chemical energy ➝ mechanical energy ➝ kinetic energy

Conservation of Energy Trampoline, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Energy transfers whilst jumping on a trampoline

  • There may also be work done against resistive forces such as friction
  • For example, if an object travels up a rough inclined surface, then

Loss in kinetic energy = Gain in gravitational potential energy + Work done against friction

Spring Energy Conservation

  • When a vertical spring is extended and contracted, its energy is converted into other forms
  • Although the total energy of the spring will remain constant, it will have changing amounts of:
    • Elastic potential energy (EPE)
    • Kinetic energy (KE)
    • Gravitational potential energy (GPE)

  • When a vertical mass is hanging on a spring and it moves up and down, its energy will convert between the three in various amounts

Change in Spring Energy, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • At position A:
    • The spring has some EPE since it is slightly compressed
    • Its KE is 0 since it is stationary
    • Its GPE is at a maximum because the mass is at its highest point

  • At position B:
    • The spring has some EPE since it is slightly stretched
    • Its KE is at a maximum as it passes through the equilibrium position at its maximum speed
    • It has some GPE since the mass is still above the ground

  • At position C:
    • The spring has its maximum EPE because it is at its maximum extension
    • Its KE is 0 since it is stationary
    • Its GPE is at a minimum because it is at its lowest point above the Earth's surface

  • For a horizontal mass on a spring system, there is no gravitational potential energy to consider. The spring only converts between kinetic and elastic potential energy

Worked example

The diagram shows a rollercoaster going down a track.

The rollercoaster takes the path A → B → C → D.

WE - Energy transfers question image, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Which statement is true about the energy changes that occur for the rollercoaster down this track?

A.     KE - GPE - GPE - KE

B.     KE - GPE - KE - GPE

C.     GPE - KE - KE - GPE

D.     GPE - KE - GPE - KE


  • At point A:
    • The rollercoaster is raised above the ground, therefore it has GPE
    • As it travels down the track, GPE is converted to KE and the roller coaster speeds up

  • At point B:
    • KE is converted to GPE as the rollercoaster rises up the loop

  • At point C:
    • This GPE is converted back into KE as the rollercoaster travels back down the loop

  • At point D:
    • The flat terrain means the rollercoaster only has KE

Worked example

A simple pendulum has a mass of 640 g and a length of 0.7 m. It is pulled out to an angle of 20° from the vertical.The pendulum is released. Assuming negligible air resistance, calculate the maximum speed of the pendulum bob as it passes through the vertical position.Energy Conservation Worked Example, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Applications of Energy Conservation WE 1Applications of Energy Conservation WE 2

Exam Tip

Treat each scenario separately when it comes to energy conservation. Make sure you're familiar with the different energy stores and transfer that occur so you can apply to each and every scenario.

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Author: Ashika

Ashika graduated with a first-class Physics degree from Manchester University and, having worked as a software engineer, focused on Physics education, creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources.

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