Probability & Types of Events (DP IB Maths: AA HL)

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Probability Basics

What key words and terminology are used with probability?

  • An experiment is a repeatable activity that has a result that can be observed or recorded
    • Trials are what we call the repeats of the experiment
  • An outcome is a possible result of a trial
  • An event is an outcome or a collection of outcomes
    • Events are usually denoted with capital letters: A, B, etc
    • n(A) is the number of outcomes that are included in event A
    • An event can have one or more than one outcome
  • A sample space is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment
    • This is denoted by U
    • n(U) is the total number of outcomes
    • It can be represented as a list or a table

How do I calculate basic probabilities?

  • If all outcomes are equally likely then probability for each outcome is the same
    • Probability for each outcome is fraction numerator 1 over denominator n left parenthesis U right parenthesis end fraction
  • Theoretical probability of an event can be calculated without using an experiment by dividing the number of outcomes of that event by the total number of outcomes

begin mathsize 22px style P left parenthesis A right parenthesis equals fraction numerator n left parenthesis A right parenthesis over denominator n left parenthesis U right parenthesis end fraction end style 

    • This is given in the formula booklet
    • Identifying all possible outcomes either as a list or a table can help
  • Experimental probability (also known as relative frequency) of an outcome can be calculated using results from an experiment by dividing its frequency by the number of trials
    • Relative frequency of an outcome is fraction numerator Frequency blank of blank that space outcome space from blank the blank trials over denominator Total blank number blank of blank trials blank left parenthesis n right parenthesis end fraction

How do I calculate the expected number of occurrences of an outcome?

  • Theoretical probability can be used to calculate the expected number of occurrences of an outcome from n trials
  • If the probability of an outcome is p and there are n trials then:
    • The expected number of occurrences is np
    • This does not mean that there will exactly np occurrences
    • If the experiment is repeated multiple times then we expect the number of occurrences to average out to be np

What is the complement of an event?

  • The probabilities of all the outcomes add up to 1
  • Complementary events are when there are two events and exactly one of them will occur
    • One event has to occur but both events can not occur at the same time
  • The complement of event A is the event where event A does not happen
    • This can be thought of as not A
    • This is denoted A'

begin mathsize 22px style straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis A apostrophe right parenthesis equals 1 end style 

      • This is in the formula booklet
      • It is commonly written as straight P left parenthesis A apostrophe right parenthesis equals 1 minus straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis

What are different types of combined events?

  • The intersection of two events (A and B) is the event where both A and B occur
    • This can be thought of as A and B
    • This is denoted as A intersection B
  • The union of two events (A and B) is the event where A or B or both occur
    • This can be thought of as A or B
    • This is denoted A union B
  • The event where A occurs given that event B has occurred is called conditional probability
    • This can be thought as A given B
    • This is denoted A vertical line B

How do I find the probability of combined events?

  • The probability of A or B (or both) occurring can be found using the formula

straight P open parentheses A union B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses B close parentheses minus straight P open parentheses A intersection B close parentheses 

      • This is given in the formula booklet
      • You subtract the probability of A and B both occurring because it has been included twice (once in P(A) and once in P(B) )
  • The probability of A and B  occurring can be found using the formula

straight P left parenthesis A intersection B right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis straight P left parenthesis B vertical line A right parenthesis

      • A rearranged version is given in the formula booklet
      • Basically you multiply the probability of by the probability of then happening

Exam Tip

  • In an exam drawing a Venn diagram or tree diagram can help even if the question does not ask you to

Worked example

Dave has two fair spinners, A and B. Spinner A has three sides numbered 1, 4, 9 and spinner B has four sides numbered 2, 3, 5, 7. Dave spins both spinners and forms a two-digit number by using the spinner A for the first digit and spinner B for the second digit. 

T is the event that the two-digit number is a multiple of 3.

List all the possible two-digit numbers.


Find straight P left parenthesis T right parenthesis.


Find straight P left parenthesis T apostrophe right parenthesis.


Independent & Mutually Exclusive Events

What are mutually exclusive events?

  • Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot both occur
    • For example: when rolling a dice the events "getting a prime number" and "getting a 6" are mutually exclusive
  • If A and B are mutually exclusive events then:
    • straight P left parenthesis A intersection B right parenthesis equals 0

What are independent events?

  • Two events are independent if one occurring does not affect the probability of the other occurring
    • For example: when flipping a coin twice the events “getting a tails on the first flip” and “getting a tails on the second flip” are independent
  • If A and B are independent events then:
    • straight P left parenthesis A vertical line B right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis and straight P left parenthesis B vertical line A right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis B right parenthesis
  • If A and B are independent events then:
    • straight P left parenthesis A intersection B right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis straight P left parenthesis B right parenthesis 
      • This is given in the formula booklet
      • This is a useful formula to test whether two events are statistically independent

How do I find the probability of combined mutually exclusive events?

  • If A and B are mutually exclusive events then

straight P open parentheses A union B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses B close parentheses

      • This is given in the formula booklet
      • This occurs because straight P open parentheses A intersection B close parentheses equals 0
  • For any two events A and B the events A intersection B and A intersection B apostrophe are mutually exclusive and A is the union of these two events
    • straight P left parenthesis A right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis A intersection B right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis A intersection B apostrophe right parenthesis
      • This works for any two events A and B

Worked example

A student is chosen at random from a class. The probability that they have a dog is 0.8, the probability they have a cat is 0.6 and the probability that they have a cat or a dog is 0.9.
Find the probability that the student has both a dog and a cat.


Two events, Q and R, are such that straight P left parenthesis Q right parenthesis equals 0.8 and straight P left parenthesis Q intersection R right parenthesis equals 0.1.
Given that Q and R are independent, find straight P left parenthesis R right parenthesis.


Two events, S and T, are such that straight P left parenthesis S right parenthesis equals 2 straight P left parenthesis T right parenthesis.
Given that S and T are mutually exclusive and that straight P left parenthesis S union T right parenthesis equals 0.6 find straight P left parenthesis S right parenthesis and straight P left parenthesis T right parenthesis.


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Author: Roger

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.

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