Electron Diffraction (OCR A Level Physics)

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Katie M


Katie M



Electron Diffraction

  • Electron diffraction tubes can be used to investigate the wave properties of electrons
  • The electrons are accelerated in an electron gun to a high potential, such as 5000 V, and are then directed through a thin film of graphite
  • The electrons diffract from the gaps between carbon atoms and produce a circular pattern on a fluorescent screen made from phosphor

Investigating Electron Diffraction, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Experimental setup to demonstrate electron diffraction

  • Increasing the voltage between the anode and the cathode causes the energy, and hence speed, of the electrons to increase
  • The kinetic energy of the electrons is proportional to the voltage across the anode-cathode:

Ek = ½ mv2 = eV

  • Electrons are normally referred to as particles, however, diffraction is a wave-like behaviour
    • Therefore, electron diffraction provides evidence for the wave-like behaviour of particles

Diffraction of Electrons through Graphite

  • Louis de Broglie discovered that matter, such as electrons, can behave as a wave
  • He showed a diffraction pattern is produced when a beam of electrons is directed at a thin graphite film
  • Diffraction is a property of waves, and cannot be explained by describing electrons as particles

Electron Diffraction Experiment, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Electrons accelerated through a high potential difference demonstrate wave-particle duality 

  • In order to observe the diffraction of electrons, they must be focused through a gap similar to their size, such as an atomic lattice
  • Graphite film is ideal for this purpose because of its crystalline structure
    • The gaps between neighbouring planes of the atoms in the crystals act as slits, allowing the electron waves to spread out and create a diffraction pattern

  • The diffraction pattern is observed on the screen as a series of concentric rings
    • This phenomenon is similar to the diffraction pattern produced when light passes through a diffraction grating
    • If the electrons acted as particles, a pattern would not be observed, instead, the particles would be distributed uniformly across the screen

  • It is observed that a larger accelerating voltage reduces the diameter of a given ring, while a lower accelerating voltage increases the diameter of the rings

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Katie M

Author: Katie M

Katie has always been passionate about the sciences, and completed a degree in Astrophysics at Sheffield University. She decided that she wanted to inspire other young people, so moved to Bristol to complete a PGCE in Secondary Science. She particularly loves creating fun and absorbing materials to help students achieve their exam potential.

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