Hypothesis Testing for Correlation (OCR A Level Maths: Statistics)

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Hypothesis Testing for Correlation

You should be familiar with using a hypothesis test to determine bias within probability problems. It is also possible to use a hypothesis test to determine whether a given product moment correlation coefficient calculated from a sample could be representative of the same relationship existing within the whole population.  For full information on hypothesis testing, see the revision notes from section 5.1.1 Hypothesis Testing

Why use a hypothesis test?

  • In most cases it is too difficult to get the value of the PMCC for a whole population
    • This would involve having data on each individual within the whole population
    • It is very rare that a statistician would have the time or resources to collect all of that data
  • The PMCC for the whole population can instead be estimated using information from a sample taken from the population
    • The PMCC for a whole population is denoted rho (pronounced rho)
    • The PMCC for a sample taken from the population is denoted r
    • A hypothesis test would be conducted using the value of to r determine whether the population can be said to have positive, negative or zero correlation

How is a hypothesis test for correlation carried out?

  • Most of the time the hypothesis test will be carried out by using a critical value
  • You won't be expected to calculate p-values but you might be given a p-value
  • Step 1. Write the null and alternative hypotheses clearly
    • The hypothesis test could either be a one-tailed test or a two-tailed test
    • The null hypothesis will always be begin mathsize 16px style straight H subscript 0 colon space rho equals 0 end style
    • The alternative hypothesis will depend on if it is a one-tailed or two-tailed test
      • A one-tailed test would test to see if the population PMCC, ρ, is either positive or negative
        • The alternative hypothesis, H1 will be  or  
      • A two-tailed test would test to see if the population PMCC, ρ , is not equal to zero (meaning there is some form of linear correlation)
        • The alternative hypothesis, H1 will be  
  • Step 2. Either: Compare the value of r calculated from the sample with the critical value
    • You will be given either a critical value or a p - value in the question
      • You may be asked to find your own critical value from a table of values given in the question
      • The table will be clear and easy to use, make sure you choose the correct level of significance for your test
        • The table could have options for both a one-tailed test and a two-tailed test
    • If you are given the critical value you should compare it with the sample PMCC, r 
    • If r is in the critical region the test is significant and the null hypothesis should be rejected
          • It will be in the critical region if begin mathsize 16px style open vertical bar r close vertical bar greater than open vertical bar critical space value close vertical bar end style
    • If  is not in the critical region the null hypothesis should be accepted and the alternative hypothesis should be rejected

Or: Compare the p - value with the significance level

    • You will not be expected to calculate the p - value, it will be given in the question
      • If the p - value is less than the significance level the test is significant and the null hypothesis should be rejected
      • If the p - value is greater than the significance level the null hypothesis should be accepted and the alternative hypothesis should be rejected
  • Step 3. Write a conclusion in context
    • Use the wording in the question to help you write your conclusion
    • If rejecting the null hypothesis your conclusion should state that there is evidence to accept the context of the alternative hypothesis at the level of significance of the test only
    • If accepting the null hypothesis your conclusion should state that there is not enough evidence to accept the context of the alternative hypothesis at the level of significance of the test only

Worked example

A student believes that there is a positive correlation between the number of hours spent studying for a test and the percentage scored on it.

The student takes a random sample of 10 of his friends and records the amount of revision they did and percentage they score in the test.

The student calculates the product moment correlation coefficient for these data as r equals 0.668.  

Given that the critical value for this test is 0.5494, carry out a hypothesis test at the 5% level of significance to test whether the student’s claim is justified.


Exam Tip

  • Make sure you read the question carefully to determine whether the test you are carrying out is for a one-tailed or a two-tailed test and use the level of significance accordingly. Be careful when comparing negative values of r with a negative critical value, it is easy to make an error with negative numbers when in an exam situation.

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Author: Amber

Amber gained a first class degree in Mathematics & Meteorology from the University of Reading before training to become a teacher. She is passionate about teaching, having spent 8 years teaching GCSE and A Level Mathematics both in the UK and internationally. Amber loves creating bright and informative resources to help students reach their potential.

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