Comparing MST Algorithms (Edexcel A Level Further Maths: Decision Maths 1)

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Naomi C


Naomi C



Comparing MST Algorithms

Which should I use - Prim’s or Kruskal’s algorithm?

  • Both algorithms find a minimum spanning tree
    • they may give different answers but will both produce a minimal solution
  • Prim’s algorithm can be used in either graph or matrix form
    • If an MST is asked for and the information is given in table/matrix form, use Prim’s algorithm
  • Kruskal’s algorithm can be used when the information is in graph form (or if a list of arcs is available) 
    • If trying to use Kruskal's algorithm from a table/matrix, it would be best to draw a graph first
  • Kruskal's algorithm allows arcs to be added in any order
    • i.e.  the tree can be 'split' (unconnected) at stages of the algorithm
    • Prim's algorithm 'builds' as arcs are added such that they will connect to arcs already in the tree
  • Prim’s algorithm is sometimes considered to be more efficient that Kruskal’s algorithm as
    • the edges do not need to be ordered at the start and
    • it does not rely on checking for cycles at each step
  • An exam question will usually specify which method should be used, otherwise either is fine

Exam Tip

  • A common exam question is to state that certain edges need to be included in a spanning tree
    • you are then asked to describe which algorithm you should use and how it should be adapted
    • you should start off by drawing in the edges given, and then complete the tree using Kruskal's algorithm!

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Naomi C

Author: Naomi C

Naomi graduated from Durham University in 2007 with a Masters degree in Civil Engineering. She has taught Mathematics in the UK, Malaysia and Switzerland covering GCSE, IGCSE, A-Level and IB. She particularly enjoys applying Mathematics to real life and endeavours to bring creativity to the content she creates.

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