Calculus with Polar Coordinates (Edexcel A Level Further Maths: Core Pure)

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Finding Tangents to Polar Curves

What is the gradient/tangent of a polar curve?

  • Gradients (and tangents) are the same as using Cartesian coordinates
    • i.e. a gradient of 1 in Cartesian coordinates is still a gradient of 1 in polar coordinates
    • a 45° line from “bottom left” to “top right” is a gradient of 1 in both systems
    • the equation of a tangent to a polar curve should be written in polar form

How do I find the tangents to a polar curve?

  • Finding the gradient - and so the equation of a tangent - to a polar curve is based on parametric differentiation in Cartesian form

  • Since x equals r cos thetay equals r sin theta and r equals f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis, it follows that

    • x equals f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis cos theta
    • y equals f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis sin theta
  • Then, using parametirc differentiation the gradient is given by
    • fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d x end fraction equals fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d theta end fraction divided by fraction numerator straight d x over denominator straight d theta end fraction
    • From which the Cartesian equation can be found
    • Which can then be converted into polar form using x equals r cos space theta and y equals r sin space theta

How do I find horizontal and vertical tangents to a polar curve?

  • Many questions only concern tangents that are horizontal and/or vertical to the curve
  • Horizontal tangents are described as being “parallel to the initial line”
    • Horizontal tangents occur where fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d theta end fraction equals 0
  • Vertical tangents are described as being “perpendicular to the initial line”
    • Vertical tangents occur where fraction numerator straight d x over denominator straight d theta end fraction equals 0
  • Questions require finding the coordinates of points that have horizontal or vertical tangents (rather than finding the equations of the tangents)
    • Coordinates should be in polar form, i.e. left parenthesis r comma theta right parenthesis
  • In some cases, both fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d theta end fraction equals 0 and fraction numerator straight d x over denominator straight d theta end fraction equals 0 at a particular point
    • Under these cases the polar curve has a cusp
    • But vice versa is not necessarily true
      • A polar curve with a cusp does not necessarily mean fraction numerator straight d y over denominator straight d theta end fraction equals 0 and fraction numerator straight d x over denominator straight d theta end fraction equals 0

Exam Tip

  • If not provided, sketch the graph of the polar curve
    • This will help you to spot how many horizontal/vertical tangents there are
    • You could use a graphical calculator to help you do this

Worked example

A sketch of the polar curve C, with equation r equals 3 plus 2 cos theta, where 0 less or equal than theta less than 2 pi is shown below.


Find the coordinates of the points on C where the tangents are (i) parallel, (ii) perpendicular to the initial line, giving values to 2 significant figures where appropriate.



Finding Areas enclosed by Polar Curves

To find the area enclosed by a polar curve (or part of) it is first crucial to know how to find the area of a sector in polar coordinates

How do I find the area of a sector given by a polar curve?

  • In polar coordinates, the area of a sector, A,  is given by

 text A end text equals 1 half integral subscript alpha superscript beta space r squared space d theta

where r equals straight f left parenthesis theta right parenthesisand beta greater than alpha

  • The sector is bounded by the curve r equals straight f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis and the two half-lines theta equals alpha and theta equals beta
    • This is given in the formula booklet
  • If straight f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis is constant then the formula gives the area of the sector of a circle with centre angle beta minus alpha

What is meant by the area enclosed by a polar curve?

  • The area enclosed by a polar curve refers to an area bounded by a curve r equals straight f left parenthesis theta right parenthesis between the half-lines theta equals alpha and theta equals beta


  • This can be considered as the area created by a 'sweeping' hand of a clock (but going anticlockwise!) moving between alpha and beta
    • The integral calculates the sum of an infinite number of sectors which start at theta equals alpha and end at theta equals beta
    • This is the polar equivalent of the sum of an infinite number of rectangles under a curve in Cartesian coordinates

How do I find the area enclosed by a polar curve?

  • STEP 1
    If not given, a sketch of the curve is helpful
    Identify the half-lines theta equals alpha and theta equals beta between which the area lies
    This may involve solving equations
    Always look for symmetry – many problems can be found by finding “half the area” and “doubling” – for example only finding an area above the initial line
  • STEP 2
    Find r squared and manipulate it into an integrable form
    This may involve using trigonometric identities and/or common integration techniques such as reverse chain rule,  'adjust and compensate'
    Set up the integral using the formula text Area end text equals 1 half space integral subscript alpha superscript beta space r squared space d theta

  • STEP 3
    Evaluate the integral and interpret the answer
    Remember to double/scale-up the integral value to find the area if symmetry has been used

Exam Tip

  • The use of symmetry in these problems can make them a lot easier so do always look to use it
  • Calculators may be able to evaluate integrals but remember they usually expect x to be the ‘input’ variable
    • Calculators may not always produce exact values so check what is required by the question

Worked example

Find the exact area of one loop of the curve with polar equation r equals 3 cos 5 theta.


Finding Areas enclosed by Multiple Polar Curves

What is meant by the area enclosed by multiple polar curves?

  • An area enclosed by multiple polar curves could be
    • an area between two polar curves
    • an area partially enclosed by one polar curve and partially enclosed by another

How do I find the area enclosed by multiple polar curves?

  • STEP 1
    If not given, a sketch, on the same diagram, of the curves is helpful
    Identify any half-lines that are needed by looking for intersections between the curves
    Identify any relevant values of θ such that r=0 (i.e. intersections with the pole)
    This may involve solving equations in relevant ranges of θ
    Look for symmetry to simplify the problem
  • STEP 2
    Find r squared for both curves, manipulating them into integrable forms

    This may involve using trigonometric identities and or common integration techniques such as reverse chain rule, ‘adjust and compensate’
    Set up an integral for each partial area using the formula text Area end text equals 1 half integral subscript alpha superscript beta space r squared space d theta

  • STEP 3
    Evaluate the integrals
    Double/scale-up each integral as necessary if symmetry has been used
    Total the partial integrals to find the entire area required


Exam Tip

  • Graph sketches do not have to be accurate, but should enable you to visualise the problem and get an idea of where intersections and half-lines are
  • Look out for when exact areas are required and whether your calculator can produce these using its integration function

Worked example

A sketch of the polar curves defined by the following equations is shown below

 r equals 1 plus cos space theta   0 less or equal than theta less or equal than pi over 2 

 r equals 3 cos space theta               0 less or equal than theta less or equal than pi over 2 


Find the area labelled R subscript 1.


Find the area labelled R subscript 2.


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Author: Paul

Paul has taught mathematics for 20 years and has been an examiner for Edexcel for over a decade. GCSE, A level, pure, mechanics, statistics, discrete – if it’s in a Maths exam, Paul will know about it. Paul is a passionate fan of clear and colourful notes with fascinating diagrams – one of the many reasons he is excited to be a member of the SME team.

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