Osmosis (Edexcel A (SNAB) A Level Biology)

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Cara Head


Cara Head




  • All cells are surrounded by a cell surface membrane which is partially permeable
  • Water can move in and out of cells across the cell surface membrane by a process called osmosis
    • Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration through a partially permeable membrane
      • Water molecules move from a dilute solution to a concentrated solution
  • In doing this, water is moving down its concentration gradient, so osmosis is a specialised form of diffusion
    • Water molecules will move from an area of more free water molecules to an area of fewer free water molecules
      • Water molecules are considered 'free' when they are not surrounding substances in a solution; when a substance dissolves it becomes surrounded by water molecules; such water molecules are no longer free and cannot move through a membrane readily
  • Cell membranes are partially permeable, allowing small molecules like water through but not larger molecules such as solutes
    • Although water molecules are polar they can still pass through the bilayer because of their small size.

Osmosis & the partially permeable membrane

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a dilute to a concentrated solution through a partially permeable membrane

How osmosis works

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules down their concentration gradient. Note that 'water potential' is a term used to describe the number of free water molecules present.

  • Osmosis is important because it constantly affects the cells of living organisms
    • Cell cytoplasm consists of water and dissolved substances
    • Cells lose or take on water depending on the number of free water molecules in their surroundings in comparison to their cytoplasm
  • When cells are placed in pure water, which has the highest possible number of free water molecules, water moves into the cells by osmosis and the cells swell
    • In animal cells this could lead to cell bursting
    • In plant cells the cell wall prevents bursting
  • When cells are placed into a solution that has a smaller number of free water molecules than their cytoplasm, e.g. a concentrated glucose solution, water moves out of the cells by osmosis and the cells shrink
    • In animal cells the entire cell shrivels
    • In plant cells the vacuole and cytoplasm shrink but the cell wall maintains the overall shape of the cell

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Cara Head

Author: Cara Head

Cara graduated from the University of Exeter in 2005 with a degree in Biological Sciences. She has fifteen years of experience teaching the Sciences at KS3 to KS5, and Psychology at A-Level. Cara has taught in a range of secondary schools across the South West of England before joining the team at SME. Cara is passionate about Biology and creating resources that bring the subject alive and deepen students' understanding

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