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Algebraic Notation & Vocabulary (CIE IGCSE Maths: Extended)

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Algebraic Notation

What is algebraic notation?

  • When writing expressions in algebra (as opposed to sums in numbers) there are conventions and symbols that are used that take on a particular meaning
    • This is what we mean by algebraic notation
  • In number work, for adding and subtracting, we use + and –
    • In algebra, we still do!
      • Examples:
        a + b
        c + de
  • However for multiplication, no symbol is used, and for division, fractions are used
    • Examples:
      ab (means a × b)
      a over b (means a ÷ b)
      3ab (means 3 × a × b)
  • We can have combinations of these of course
    • Examples:
      a b plus c over 3 (means a×b + c÷3)
      The order of operations still apply in algebra so a×b and c÷d would happen before the addition
  • Powers (indices) and roots are used the same way as with numbers
    • Examples:
      a2 means a × a
      4a2 means 4 × a2
      With the order of operations, a2 will happen before multiplying by 4
  • Brackets also work in the same way as with numbers
    • Examples
      3 left parenthesis a space plus space b right parenthesis means 3 space cross times space left parenthesis a space plus space b right parenthesis but with brackets taking priority, when known, a space plus space b would be worked out first, then we would multiply by 3
      5 x left parenthesis 2 x space plus space 3 right parenthesis means 5 space cross times space x space cross times space left parenthesis 2 space cross times space x space plus space 3 right parenthesis, again with the brackets worked out first

How will I need to use algebraic notation?

  • Algebraic expressions are used in many parts of the course
    • You need to be able to understand their meaning and work with them
      • e.g. for rearranging a formula
    • You may be given a situation in words that you then have to write in algebra
      • Which could lead to an equation you may then have to solve

Worked example

At the start of a competition, Raheem has p conkers and Howard has 2q conkers.
At the end of the competition Raheem still has the same number of conkers he started with but Howard won 6 and lost none.

Write down an expression for the number of conkers that Howard has at the end of the competition.

Howard has 2q + 6

At the end of the competition, Raheem and Howard have a total of 40 conkers.

Write an equation in terms of p and q that shows the number of conkers Raheem and Howard have in total at the end of the competition.

p + 2q + 6 = 40

This can be simplified to p + 2q = 34

Algebraic Vocabulary

You need to know the meanings of the word term and factor, as they are the basic building blocks in algebra.

You need to know the differences between an expression, equation, formula and inequality in order to fully understand algebra and proofs. You may be asked to identify which is which.


What is a term?

  • A term is either…
    • …a letter (variable) on its own, e.g. x
    • ..a number on its own, e.g. 20
    • …a number multiplied by a letter, e.g. 5x
  • The number in front of a letter is called a coefficient
    • The coefficient of x in the term 6x is 6
    • The coefficient of y in the term -5y is -5
  • Terms that are just numbers (with no letters) are called constants
  • Terms can include powers and more than one letter
    • E.g. 6xy, 4x2, ab3c, …


What is a factor?

  • A factor is any number or letter that divides a term exactly (with no remainder)
    • E.g. all the factors of 4xy are 1, 2, 4, x, 2x, 4x, y, 2y, 4y, xy, 2xy and 4xy
  • A term can be separated into factors that multiply together to give that term
    • E.g. two factors of 5x are 5 and x
  • To factorise means to write something as a multiplication of factors
  • A common factor is one that divides both terms
    • The highest (or greatest) common factor is 2x
    • E.g. the common factors of 6xy and 4x are 2, x and 2x


What is an expression?

  • An expression is an algebraic statement that does not have an equals sign
    • There is nothing to solve
  • An expression is made by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing terms
    • E.g. 2x + 5y, b2 – 2cd, fraction numerator 6 y over denominator 5 t end fraction, …
    • A single term can be an expression
  • Expressions can be simplified (made easier)
    • E.g. x + x + x  simplifies to 3x


What is an equation?

  • An equation is an algebraic statement with an equals sign between a left-hand side and a right-hand side
    • Both sides are equal in value
    • E.g. if 2x has the same value as 10, then 2x = 10
  • An equation can be solved by finding the missing values of the letters that make the left-hand side equal to the right-hand side
    • x = 5 is called the solution
    • E.g. the equation 2x = 10 is solved by x = 5


What is a formula?

  • A formula is a worded rule, definition or relationship between different quantities, written in shorthand using letters
    • The formula is w = mg
    • E.g. weight, w, is mass, m, multiplied by gravitational acceleration, g
  • It is common to substitute numbers into a formula, but a formula on its own cannot be solved
  • To turn a formula into an equation, more information is needed
    • E.g. In the formula w = mg, if w = 50 and m = 5 then the equation 50 = 5g can be formed


What is an inequality?

  • An inequality compares a left-hand side to a right-hand side and states which one is bigger
    • x > y means x is greater than y
    • x ≥ y means x is greater than, or equal to, y
    • x < y means x is less than y
    • x ≤ y means x is less than, or equal to, y
  • E.g. x ≥ 8 means x can take any value that is greater than, or equal to, 8
    • This is the same as saying “8 or more”, or "at least 8"
  • The solutions of inequalities are usually, themselves, inequalities
    • x + 10 < 15 solves to give x < 5, so x is any number less than 5

Exam Tip

  • To fully understand the wording of an exam question you need to know the difference between an expression, equation, formula and inequality.

Worked example

From the list below, write down the

2x + 5 = 4           7x – 9        x = vtw       3x       4x – 1 ≥ 0


An expression does not have an equals or inequality sign

7x – 9 is the expression


A term is a number, letter or combination of both  

3x  is the term


An equation has an equals sign and can be solved 

2x + 5 = 4  is the equation


Write down correct names for the two remaining items on the list.
x = vtw is a group of different quantities forming a relationship

x = vt – w is a formula

4x – 1 ≥ 0  compares the size of two quantities using an inequality sign

4x – 1 ≥ 0 is an inequality

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Author: Mark

Mark graduated twice from the University of Oxford: once in 2009 with a First in Mathematics, then again in 2013 with a PhD (DPhil) in Mathematics. He has had nine successful years as a secondary school teacher, specialising in A-Level Further Maths and running extension classes for Oxbridge Maths applicants. Alongside his teaching, he has written five internal textbooks, introduced new spiralling school curriculums and trained other Maths teachers through outreach programmes.

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