Displacement-Time Graphs (AQA AS Maths: Mechanics)

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Displacement-Time Graphs

What is a displacement-time graph?

  • Displacement-time graphs show the displacement of an object from a fixed origin as it moves in a straight line
  • They show displacement (on the vertical axis) against time (on the horizontal axis)
  • Displacement-time graphs can go below the horizontal axis whereas distance-time graphs can not
    • Distance can not be negative whereas displacement can be

What are the key features of a displacement-time graph?

  • The gradient of the graph equals the velocity of the object
    • A positive gradient means the object is travelling forwards
    • A negative gradient means that the object is travelling backwards
    • The steeper the line, the greater the speed

  • A straight line shows that the object is moving at a constant velocity
  • A curved line shows that the object is accelerating or decelerating
  • A horizontal line shows that the object is stationary
  • If the graph touches the x-axis, then the object is at the origin at that time


How do I find the average speed and the average velocity of a journey?

Average space speed =  fraction numerator Total space distance space travelled over denominator Time space taken end fraction

  • The average speed can not be negative as speed is a scalar quantity and can only take a positive value

Average space velocity space equals space fraction numerator Displacement space from space starting space point over denominator Time space taken end fraction

  • The average velocity is a vector quantity and can be positive, zero or negative

Worked example

(a)   Calculate the velocity of the athlete during the first 2 seconds.


(b)    Describe the motion of the athlete between the times of 2 seconds and 5 seconds.


(c)   Calculate the velocity of the athlete at 10 seconds.


(d)   Find the total distanced travelled by the athlete during the 14 seconds.


Exam Tip

  • Be careful to spot if you are working with a displacement-time graph or a velocity-time graph.
  • Be careful to spot if you are working with a displacement-time graph or a distance-time graph
  • Check where the graph starts from on the y-axis, the object does not have to start at 0. For example, if the graph starts at 100, the scenario could be a student on a walk starting 100 m from their house.
  • Distance is a scalar so it can not be negative whereas displacement from a starting point can be.
  • Think about the units when calculating, make sure they are consistent.

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Author: Dan

Dan graduated from the University of Oxford with a First class degree in mathematics. As well as teaching maths for over 8 years, Dan has marked a range of exams for Edexcel, tutored students and taught A Level Accounting. Dan has a keen interest in statistics and probability and their real-life applications.

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