Maclaurin Series (Edexcel A Level Further Maths: Core Pure)

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Maclaurin Series

What is a Maclaurin Series?

  • A Maclaurin series is a way of representing a function as an infinite sum of increasing integer powers of x (x to the power of 1 comma space x squared comma space x cubed comma space etc.)
    • If all of the infinite number of terms are included, then the Maclaurin series is exactly equal to the original function
    • If we truncate (i.e., shorten) the Maclaurin series by stopping at some particular power of x, then the Maclaurin series is only an approximation of the original function
  • A truncated Maclaurin series will always be exactly equal to the original function for x equals 0
  • In general, the approximation from a truncated Maclaurin series becomes less accurate as the value of x moves further away from zero
  • The accuracy of a truncated Maclaurin series approximation can be improved by including more terms from the complete infinite series
    • So, for example, a series truncated at the x to the power of 7 term will give a more accurate approximation than a series truncated at the x cubed term

How do I find the Maclaurin series of a function ‘from first principles’?

  • Use the general Maclaurin series formula

space f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals f left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis plus x f apostrophe left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis plus fraction numerator x squared over denominator 2 factorial end fraction f apostrophe apostrophe left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis plus...

  • This formula is in your exam formula booklet
  • STEP 1: Find the values of f left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis comma space f apostrophe left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis comma space f apostrophe apostrophe left parenthesis 0 right parenthesis comma etc. for the function
    • An exam question will specify how many terms of the series you need to calculate (for example, “up to and including the term in x to the power of 4”)
    • You may be able to use your calculator to find these values directly without actually having to find all the necessary derivatives of the function first
  • STEP 2: Put the values from Step 1 into the general Maclaurin series formula
  • STEP 3: Simplify the coefficients as far as possible for each of the powers of x

Is there a connection Maclaurin series expansions and binomial theorem series expansions?

  • Yes there is!
  • For a function like left parenthesis 1 plus x right parenthesis to the power of n the binomial theorem series expansion is exactly the same as the Maclaurin series expansion for the same function
    • So unless a question specifically tells you to use the general Maclaurin series formula, you can use the binomial theorem to find the Maclaurin series for functions of that type
    • Or if you’ve forgotten the binomial series expansion formula for left parenthesis 1 plus x right parenthesis to the power of n where n is not a positive integer, you can find the binomial theorem expansion by using the general Maclaurin series formula to find the Maclaurin series expansion

Worked example

Use the Maclaurin series formula to find the Maclaurin series for space f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals square root of 1 plus 2 x end root up to and including the term in x to the power of 4.


Maclaurin Series of Standard Functions

Is there an easier way to find the Maclaurin series for standard functions?

  • Yes there is!
  • The following Maclaurin series expansions of standard functions are contained in your exam formula booklet:

straight e to the power of x equals 1 plus x plus fraction numerator x squared over denominator 2 factorial end fraction plus... fraction numerator x to the power of r over denominator r factorial end fraction plus... valid for all x

ln left parenthesis 1 plus x right parenthesis equals x minus x squared over 2 plus x cubed over 3 minus... plus left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis to the power of r plus 1 end exponent space x to the power of r over r plus... valid for negative 1 less than x less or equal than 1

sin space x equals x minus fraction numerator x cubed over denominator 3 factorial end fraction plus fraction numerator x to the power of 5 over denominator 5 factorial end fraction minus... plus left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis to the power of r space fraction numerator x to the power of 2 r plus 1 end exponent over denominator left parenthesis 2 r plus 1 right parenthesis factorial end fraction plus... valid for all x

cos space x equals 1 minus fraction numerator x squared over denominator 2 factorial end fraction plus fraction numerator x to the power of 4 over denominator 4 factorial end fraction minus... plus left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis to the power of r space fraction numerator x to the power of 2 r end exponent over denominator left parenthesis 2 r right parenthesis factorial end fraction plus... valid for all x

arctan space x equals x minus x cubed over 3 plus x to the power of 5 over 5 minus... plus left parenthesis negative 1 right parenthesis to the power of r space fraction numerator x to the power of 2 r plus 1 end exponent over denominator 2 r plus 1 end fraction plus... valid for negative 1 less or equal than x less or equal than 1

left parenthesis 1 plus x right parenthesis to the power of n equals 1 plus n x plus fraction numerator n left parenthesis n minus 1 right parenthesis over denominator 1 cross times 2 end fraction x squared plus... plus fraction numerator n left parenthesis n minus 1 right parenthesis... left parenthesis n minus r plus 1 right parenthesis over denominator 1 cross times 2 cross times... cross times r end fraction x to the power of r plus... valid for vertical line x vertical line less than 1

  • Unless a question specifically asks you to derive a Maclaurin series using the general Maclaurin series formula, you can use those standard formulae from the exam formula booklet in your working

Maclaurin Series of Compound Functions

How can I find the Maclaurin series for a composite function?

  • A composite function is a ‘function of a function’ or a ‘function within a function’
    • For example sin(2x) is a composite function, with 2x as the ‘inside function’ which has been put into the simpler ‘outside function’ sin x
    • Similarly straight e to the power of x squared end exponent is a composite function, with x squared as the ‘inside function’ and straight e to the power of x as the ‘outside function’
  • To find the Maclaurin series for a composite function:
    • STEP 1: Start with the Maclaurin series for the basic ‘outside function’
      • Usually this will be one of the ‘standard functions’ whose Maclaurin series are given in the exam formula booklet
    • STEP 2: Substitute the ‘inside function’ every place that x appears in the Maclaurin series for the ‘outside function’
      • So for sin(2x), for example, you would substitute 2x everywhere that x appears in the Maclaurin series for sin x
    • STEP 3: Expand the brackets and simplify the coefficients for the powers of x in the resultant Maclaurin series
  • This method can theoretically be used for quite complicated ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ functions
    • On your exam, however, the ‘inside function’ will usually not be more complicated than something like kx (for some constant k) or xn (for some constant power n)

How can I find the Maclaurin series for a product of two functions?

  • To find the Maclaurin series for a product of two functions:
    • STEP 1: Start with the Maclaurin series of the individual functions
      • For each of these Maclaurin series you should only use terms up to an appropriately chosen power of x (see the worked example below to see how this is done!)
    • STEP 2: Put each of the series into brackets and multiply them together
      • Only keep terms in powers of x up to the power you are interested in
    • STEP 3: Collect terms and simplify coefficients for the powers of x in the resultant Maclaurin series

Worked example

Find the Maclaurin series for the function space f left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals ln open parentheses 1 plus 3 x close parentheses, up to and including the term in x to the power of 4.


Find the Maclaurin series for the function space g left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals straight e to the power of x sin x, up to and including the term in x to the power of 4.


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Author: Roger

Roger's teaching experience stretches all the way back to 1992, and in that time he has taught students at all levels between Year 7 and university undergraduate. Having conducted and published postgraduate research into the mathematical theory behind quantum computing, he is more than confident in dealing with mathematics at any level the exam boards might throw at you.

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